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How To Start Trading The Forex Market?


Forex Price Chart, WHAT DOES IT MEAN AND HOW CAN IT BE USEDMany important facts like morals, trading rules, non-greed, etc., but one of the most important things is: LEARN to read charts as Charts represent market life.

I agree that reading charts, and translation patterns, is more of an art than a skill. Set and engage in your decisions to get in and out of YOUR combined technological and exciting ways ...

  3. Many important facts like morals, trading rules, non-greed, etc., but one of the most important things are:
  4. LEARN to read charts as Charts represent market life.

I agree that reading charts, and translation patterns, is more of an art than a skill. Support and implement your entry and exit decisions in YOUR integrated technical and basic analysis methods.

FOREX charts, easy to translate and use. They reflect the slower pace, the country’s stable economy, compared to the stock market, with its daily drama of company reports, Wall Street Analyst analysts, and shareholder requirements.

  • Unlike stocks, money charts do not spend much time on trading lists and tend to develop strong trends. Moreover, Forex with its 4 Mayor funds is easier to analyze than tens of thousands of stocks.

  • (Mayor's funds are: USD / JPY, EUR / USD, GBP / USD and USD / CHF)

  • FREE software for live charts, with state-of-the-art technology provided by, will be perfect enough to analyze and view any single currency pair. Understanding a few basic points about financial chart technology analysis can lead to an increase in profitability.

  • Price - Price reflects the ideas and actions taken by market participants. Interaction between buyers and sellers in Over-The-Counter (OTC) or “interbank” markets creates price volatility. Therefore, all important features are quickly reduced in price. By studying price charts, you indirectly see basic psychology and the market at the same time, after all the market is fed by two emotions - Greed and fear - and once you understand that, you begin to understand market psychology and how it relates to chart patterns.

  • Data Window Chart - FCM and many online chat channels, when you click on the value bar or candlestick, will display a small data box often called a display window that will contain the following items:

  1. H = Very high value
  2. L = Very Low Value
  3. O = Opening price
  4. C = Closing price (or final price)

The most common types of price bars

used in FOREX trading, Bar Chart and Candlestick chart:

The price bars represent the line (line) of the period. This allows the viewer to see a clear representation that summarizes the work of the time frame. For example, I use 10 minutes, 60 minutes, and daily rest in my systems. Each bar has the same features and tells the viewer a few important pieces of information.

  • First, the top bar of bar represents the highest value obtained during that time. Normal bars show a small dot on the left side of the bar that represents the seasonal opening price and a small dot on the right represents the seasonal closing price.

  • Candlesticks - Japanese candlesticks, or candlesticks as they are now known, are used to represent the same information and price bars. The only difference is that the difference between the open and closed form of the box body is indicated by the color inside. Red means that closing was lower than the opening, and blue represents that closing was higher than the opening.

  • When a box has a rising line from the box it stands up and is called a string. When a box has a line descending from the box, it represents the bottom and is called the tail.

  1. Many descriptions can be made from these "candlesticks" and many books have been written with the skill of translating these bars.
  2. Chart Periods and Time Frames:
  3. Chart Time and Time Scale, or time frame, basically refers to the length of time that elapses between the OPEN and CLOSING bar or candlestick.
  4. For example, with your broker software, you will be able to view a currency pair, in 1 hour in 2 days, 5 days, 10 days, 20 days, and 30 days. time.

Most short-term intervals (5-minute and 1-minute charts) are used for entry and exit points and long-term intervals (1 hour and daily charts) are used to determine trends.


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